Monday, February 15, 2010

Can I Wear Knickers And Pads When I Have Herpes 2 Pimples/Sores On Labia Minora/Lips Of Vagina - HELP! Just Started Period??!!?

2 Pimples/Sores on Labia Minora/Lips of vagina - HELP! Just started Period??!!? - can i wear knickers and pads when i have herpes


Okay, so I began my time and I am with the ball. When I went into the bathroom, I noticed 2-stroke, one (in the vagina, anus) around the labia minora and the topper of the vagina, about the same place at the end of the neck. They are painful when pressed, and describe the word is really a bit like a wound. I fear that majorly had sex (with protection - and "pull") on the last weekend, but I realize only now - Do you think it could do with the fact that I'm on my period, and the tight trousers and Pads?

PS - When I had sex last week (this was my first couple of times), everything went well, much better and without pain lately and Idn't spasm in the morning, one of the few times (until I cramp, because I am very "tight")

The concept is quite good, the expectations and the usual flow seems to be OK, no unusual discharge before hand (always keep an eye on things like gender) so that I can not believe that at the STD / I

I had cancer of the Joint Appeals Board against HPV infection and cancer of the cervix do not run in my family - or any other cancer.

Please, please, help me! I am very concerned, and I had sex about 4 or 5 times, it gives me great concern, I think it is a sexually transmitted disease, because every time I had sex (4-5 times) in your country with the same kind, and I do not think you've caught something Inbetween (hopefully not!), because we did what all WEEKEND! (Woo!)

Thank you for reading my question, ladies! Please do not reply to the unpleasant things, because I am now very worried: (

1 comment:

LAZMUM said...

You can use a similar problem with diaper rash in infants will have the skids and wet periods, the skin on the lip just below the vaginal opening near the anus and the other on the lips of her pussy around her clitoris or the vagina. (no staff) trying to understand, because otherwise the vagina can be caused by a condom should still help some cream to soothe him antifungul, you can be at your local pharmacy or drugstore. if outside might try to use tampons and see if helps.if condom, you must use latex free.If deteriorated, or when in reality it might be useful to your DR will be discussed. or help nurse.Hope and practice and hopeor happiness comfortable.Good soon.

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