Friday, January 1, 2010

Air Expedite FAA Air Traffic Controller Candidate About To Be 31?

FAA Air Traffic Controller candidate about to be 31? - air expedite

I) a request for a Traffic Controller (ATC FAA. Finished my AT-SAT and scored in the mid-90s, who is well qualified, I had my geographic preferences, my group was waiting for groups in September, but is the end / mid-October, people say.

I'll be 31 in one month and the age is the threshold of the air traffic controllers. There is nothing I can do to escape? Who can I contact? I have the most important human resources of the FAA and was transferred a few times, women in the phone, he said nothing can be done about it. I have the exceptional situations where it can freeze your age or speed up the process for you to experience Has anyone read this? If so, whom should I contact?

I wanted an ATC for years, but recently an American citizen and was not present in a position to apply the. Thanks for the help!

1 comment:

Anonymou... said...

You can use the probability and with no one directly involved in the process match, try:
Phone: (405) 954-4657

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