Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pet Rodent Cages Solutions To Wire Bottom Rodent Cages?

Solutions to wire bottom rodent cages? - pet rodent cages

In the light always a couple rats as pets and are looking for the right box with enough space, but also something that will help my cat from them can be removed. I found the perfect combination of wire that connects an aquarium, but the substance remains the thread, and I know that can cause Bumblefoot. I need help in finding a way to put something on the line to ensure your feet, but I do not know what to use. I use the Web.


LL said...

It should be OK, that's what I do for myself and my rat cage is good. Also, be sure to wash with detergent and warm water at least once a week, but also clean the cage every day. (Wire and tank)

Heres a picture of him without the toys: & ...

Prodigy5... said...

I use vinyl tiles, which cover the wire floor cage. Works great b / c is easily cut to fit for me, and cheap (I have a few pictures of 1'x1 'as little as $ 0.36 each). Because they are technically for people in apartments, they also come in many different colors. When used to the rats in the cages of different colors, it is encoded to prevent it.

Most DIY stores sell vinyl tiles () look like on the surface. Got mine at Home Depot.

Sometimes, chewed, but since they easy to replace and inexpensive, a couple of dollars a year is not in the tile so bad.

Zornette said...

I personally use a type of carpet so hard and pull the bottom is smooth and covered the ground. He might bite, but do not worry, unless there is a lack hard. Cover with the sides, and if the stairs are connected, do not put him there.

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