Thursday, January 21, 2010

Horizon Academy Homeschooling A Preschool? Alpha Omega Academy?

Homeschooling a Preschool? Alpha Omega Academy? - horizon academy

Has anyone used Alpha Omega Home School Curriculum? I think home schooling in kindergarten, when my child is ready.
You have to print or computer-based?
Have Lifepac Switched On School or Horizons?

What do you recommend?

Recommend to other curricula for schools of children of preschool age homeschooling?


no said...

I homeschool my three children. If I did not go nuts in the preschool year. You'll learn through play and conversation, which is a set curriculum. We have a lot of games, cooking, reading, talking and playing. For programs, we've tried several programs, but we never liked all the programs, all in one. We prefer to choose our curriculum.We sees' very successful background in both mathematics textbooks and teaching materials. What is LA, we have very good with a combination of plaid and Phonics Explode the Code. To write, I do not like all the programs available process so that we are. On Monday, the children choose a theme, a detailed drawing and a list of words. On Tuesday, they write a draft. Wednesday. Thursday, writing good copy. Wednesday, shows the history and adds it in his case history. They have very well finished, and they all have an amazing book, which they have written. In science we can do, and yetGrand Duchy of Luxembourg capture their interest. For history and geography, takes it between two and four times a year and spend time to dig deeply into them. We do not do that, "" the art and music. We integrate art and music do in everything we do. In addition to cooking and baking a lot and try to revenue of a country, we attach to investigate. Yesterday we took a scientific experiment in the morning. Then we spent the days away from the building a snow. If the development is about the survival of the Arctic, the insulating properties of snow, acclimation, the birds in winter and states of matter. Let me give you two points of advice. First, keep it fun and the love of their children as much as I do! Second, listen to it immediately after no sense for the socialization of their going, especially on this site. Homeschooling takes less time, so that only "school" in the morning. In the afternoon, workshops, dance, music, sports, woodworking, field trips, volunteer work, play dates, park days dedicated to find, swimming and ice skating, the other children. Instead of six hoursDays sitting beside the same age group in a classroom, my children are in the gaming community, volunteering, learning and interacting with people of all ages, not just their age. Have fun with it laugh. It is hard work, but it is well worthwhile.

no said...

I homeschool my three children. If I did not go nuts in the preschool year. You'll learn through play and conversation, which is a set curriculum. We have a lot of games, cooking, reading, talking and playing. For programs, we've tried several programs, but we never liked all the programs, all in one. We prefer to choose our curriculum.We sees' very successful background in both mathematics textbooks and teaching materials. What is LA, we have very good with a combination of plaid and Phonics Explode the Code. To write, I do not like all the programs available process so that we are. On Monday, the children choose a theme, a detailed drawing and a list of words. On Tuesday, they write a draft. Wednesday. Thursday, writing good copy. Wednesday, shows the history and adds it in his case history. They have very well finished, and they all have an amazing book, which they have written. In science we can do, and yetGrand Duchy of Luxembourg capture their interest. For history and geography, takes it between two and four times a year and spend time to dig deeply into them. We do not do that, "" the art and music. We integrate art and music do in everything we do. In addition to cooking and baking a lot and try to revenue of a country, we attach to investigate. Yesterday we took a scientific experiment in the morning. Then we spent the days away from the building a snow. If the development is about the survival of the Arctic, the insulating properties of snow, acclimation, the birds in winter and states of matter. Let me give you two points of advice. First, keep it fun and the love of their children as much as I do! Second, listen to it immediately after no sense for the socialization of their going, especially on this site. Homeschooling takes less time, so that only "school" in the morning. In the afternoon, workshops, dance, music, sports, woodworking, field trips, volunteer work, play dates, park days dedicated to find, swimming and ice skating, the other children. Instead of six hoursDays sitting beside the same age group in a classroom, my children are in the gaming community, volunteering, learning and interacting with people of all ages, not just their age. Have fun with it laugh. It is hard work, but it is well worthwhile.

highmain... said...

I can not answer to the "brand" of the program, but I can, that early childhood education programs, information technology and in the years to come will say not supported. These years are the development of fine motor control is crucial and explore their environment. Coloring, cutting and pasting, manipulative, and in mathematics are very important. Lego is a learning tool. Includes puzzles, paints, blocks and other toys that are not encouraging, are not neglected. Simple toys, creativity for development. Remove to fresh air and the inspection of bugs on Earth is a learning experience. These are the most important things you need for the preschool years.

Introduction letter recognition when you see that he / she is ready. If he / she 's finished, it will happen, but not with violence!

You as parents are the primary source of "curriculum" for your child! Continue to explore, relax, and play plenty of time for your child with simple toys are.

Feel free to contact me if you want!

MomOfHms... said...

For small children, the programs you mention are, too academic. Child labor is small to play, have plenty of time before they develop the work of the administrative and books.

If you want to work with their children (because they seem to want the best), is well cared for and supervised play is best for younger children who are able to overcome any psychological or physical problems. Young children, the problems that doctors have noticed their children may require special treatment.

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